Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Waiting for spring

I sometimes find it difficult to stay on the sunny side during these long Michigan winters.  I did manage to muster enough optimism to finish my party girl piece.  I do like the way the background turned out.  I am into bright colors recently, probably an unconscious attempt to compensate for the vast white blanket outside my window. 

 While I am pleased with this piece in general, I have to point out a flaw which will probably serve to relegate her to a permanent position in my home.  While adding the final touches, surface bubbles appeared...

I have to admit, this has happened to me once before and I did manage to camouflage the blunder.  I thought I had pinpointed my error but will have to go back to the drawing board on this issue.

But...I did manage to finish these sweet crocheted ducky slippers for the little jester, who immediately demanded to put them on so he could waddle around the house, quacking all the way.

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