Tuesday, September 6, 2011

time management in an age of distractions

I hope that I may always desire more than I can accomplish. 

During my recent trip to Italy, I was essentially disconnected from the world of social networking, blogging, podcasting, gaming and all of the other technological distractions I use to amuse myself on a daily basis.  It got me to thinking....how many of the great masterpieces I was so lucky to be able to view would have gone by the wayside had the artists of the day been so distracted?  Would they have allowed themselves to be lulled into spending hours posting their every thought on Twitter and Facebook or tackling the next level of Angry Birds?  Would they have been constantly communicating with their paramours via texting?  I hate to say it but in all likelihood the answer is yes.  They were not so different from us.  What a shame it is that many of our most creative minds are hijacked by these addictive applications.  I intend to make a conscious effort to avoid these pitfalls and if I encounter a creative block, I will find a chisel.

- my take on a da vinci angel - 

And so I am turning off the TV in favor of a good book, limiting my internet browsing to research and necessary communication, putting my i-pod on shuffle, and allowing my muse to guide me down the road less traveled.

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