Monday, November 15, 2010


Wow!  What a wonder-filled week.  I spent the weekend celebrating the birthday of an adorable little jester!  Oh, the characters who visited my home to help celebrate!  My house was filled with enchanted children, beautiful ladies and chivalrous gentlemen.  All weaved in and out through narrow passageways, smiles abounding.  Tempted by sugary confection, the littlest one couldn’t help but dive right in…

I have been overflowing with ideas for my shadow play.  These enchanting creatures whisper their dreams to me as I work to unveil their charming personalities to the world.  They become a part of an ongoing fairy tale.  Their stories only hinted at, possibly revealed over time.

It is a beautiful day in Michigan.  The proverbial calm before the storm.  The holiday storm, that is.  Very soon, a flurry of activity will begin and continue throughout the year’s end.  It will very likely be filled with elfin magic, marvelous journeys and scrumptious feasts.  I can hardly wait. 

In the meantime, I will be content to laze this day away with my cat Loki, who seems intent on contributing to this page.

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