Saturday, July 24, 2010

True to myself

I must admit, I started posting on this blog several months ago and shared with family and friends.  I was advised to cut any self-criticism and to only post the most positive aspects of my life.  Their critiques, though well-intentioned, left me questioning myself and unhappy with my posts.    In looking over the previous posts and through contemplation, I have decided to start over and to be real, quirks and all, in hopes of revealing the real me. 

I alluded to the projects that are currently at the printer.  Below are the images I captured of these works.  I can't wait to see what a professional does with them.  I will post the comparisons as soon as I get them back.



I like to name my subjects as it helps me to capture their personalities as I work with them and I also incorporate vintage papers and music that compliment my image of who they were.  I use vintage photos as a jumping off point for these works.

Below are the images I captured last night as our stormy, sticky day was winding down.  The eerie glow cast upon the surrounding landscape was other-worldly.

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