Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bee Informed

A recent e-mail reminded me of yet another reason we should all attempt to put more organic foods into our diet.  COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER.  For those who are not familiar with this issue, and I do not believe many people are completely unaware, CCD is a phenomenon in which worker bees  seemingly vanish from hives.  There are many suspects in this mystery but no clear cause is known.  

Possible causes range from pathogens and microbes to pesticides and electromagnetic radiation emitted by cel phones to GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and migratory bee keeping.  While science cannot yet pinpoint the cause, I believe there are ways in which we can help the bee population.

Steps you can take to help keep bees healthy...

1. Buy organic produce at the market.  Overuse of pesticides is likely to be a contributing factor in CCD as these tiny critters are exposed to many toxins.  A vast number of different pesticides were discovered in vacated beehives.  
An added bonus:  Genetically modified crops cannot be labeled as organic.  

2. For the sake of the bees limit your use of pesticides on your property.  If you must use one, try to use the least toxic one you can find and be sure to read the directions.  Don't apply at mid-day when honey bees are most active.  Remember eliminating pesticide use will also help to protect the little people in your life who are often seen running bare-footed through the grass.

3. Plant an organic vegetable garden of your own. Be sure to purchase organic seeds or plants. 

4. Include good nectar sources such as red clover, bee balm and foxglove in your flower garden.

5. Collect or purchase beneficial insects such as lady bugs, green lacewings or praying mantis who naturally prey on destructive insects.  Let the spiders work for you.

If we do nothing and our bees continue to die, we will be the ultimate casualties.  A world without pollinators is a world without food.


Emilia said...

I agree with this 100%. Once the bees are gone, so are we! Your blog is very inspiring! I check it all the time! Your artwork is outstanding! Follow my blog!

Laura Locke said...

Thank you Emilia. You are a very wise young lady. It is young people like you who will make the difference in the future of our world.

Terri Morse said...

Hi Laura. I agree with you-it freaks me out when I see all of my neighbors spraying chemicals all over their lawns. My yard may not be the greenest in the world, but it's probably the least deadly! I've also recently become more in tune to organic products--the first thing in my house to go was non-organic dairy products. I can do with a few less hormones! Thanks for visiting Comfort Cottage! Terri